Therapists Corner

Through “Therapists Corner,” we hope to further engage our clients, professionals and other members of the community. We recognize the importance and impact of mental health specialists in the family law arena and would like for related topics to be featured on our website. If you believe your clients may benefit from our YouTube interviews, blog posts, or legal guides, and would like to feature content from The Marks Law Firm, P.A. – Family Law & Divorce Attorneys  on your website, we invite you to reach out to us as well.

YouTube Videos featuring Mental Health Counselors:

In order for written content to be considered for publication on, submissions should be

  • related to family law issues
  • relevant/applicable to potential, current, or former clients, other professionals, and referral sources
  • reflect and remain consistent with TMLF values
  • 500 words or less
  • content original to your office
  • sent to Jess Raigosa at

*We retain discretion regarding what to post and will seek to equally share opportunities to submit content.

Please do not hesitate to contact Jess if you have any questions.